Sweet summer memories

The summer is crazy
La la la laaa

Summer vacation is finally here! This school year was definitely the most demanding one I've ever had so far, so I'm most certainly enjoying this little moment of freedom before I have to get back on the grind. I have five weeks of complete freedom and five weeks of work, but the job is outdoorsy and pretty laid-back, so I'm not dreading that at all. I'm just going to enjoy these five weeks to the best of my ability and still keep doing all kinds of fun summer-things even while working! It just means that I can't stay up as late.

Speaking of staying up late, last night was fun. Many of my friends graduated so we had a pretty nice graduation party -marathon - I went to four different parties, drank champagne or white wine in every one of them (while also stuffing myself full with cake and other delicious foods until I felt like I was going to burst open). Afterwards we had an alcohol-infused picnic together because it was a very hot and sunny day, the best type of weather for graduation, really, and then we went for a little bar-tour. I think we went to five different clubs, and switched between them all the time. I met so many new people I don't even remember half of their faces, some random guy wanted to be our bar guide (I have no idea where my friends pulled him from), we drank a lot of tequila and gin and vodka, the night was amazing. We held emotional speeches about how much we appreciate this friend group, laughed a lot and flirted with some guys. We made friends with the owners of this one tiny bar, I got a new friend and we exchanged numbers with the thought that we could go drinking together sometime, one of my friends seemed to decide to lose her virginity and I'm quite certain she made it happen, we went swinging on the basket swing in this cute little park, everyone lying on top of each other in this warm, snuggly pile of drunk girls, I met an old friend who I used to be extremely close with and we both said how much we miss each other (because you don't admit these kinds of things unless you're drunk. The guidelines of the Finns, rule number 1.), I don't even have the energy to write about everything that happened last night. It was just a very positive, lovely night, full of booze and giggling. I woke up early and didn't feel the slightest bit hangover, he he. I'm powerful.

This is just... I know we say "this is going to be the best summer ever!" so often, and then we never make it happen. We dream and dream and dream, but our dreams will stay just that - dreams - unless we decide to commit to making them happen. I'm committed to making this my best summer so far, especially since many of my friends will either move out or go traveling at the end of it. So far it has been great. My best friend and I have gone hiking and biking a couple of times, and spontaneously nude swimming in public, but remote beaches (probably not the best idea), I've been riding and drinking and going walking and the weather is warm and comfortable. The sun is shining, birds are singing, the grass is green and soft under my feet. It's good, almost too good to be true.

My plans for this summer are:
- bear's trail! (this is going to happen next week)
- visit many museums
- visit at least 5 different clubs
- amusement park (we wanted to go last week but our plans got cancelled)
- lots of picnics and nightly car rides
- drinking tea and eating little baked goods
- a huge water pistol war!
- just hanging out with my friends a lot, spending time with them and staying productive during the summer.

Obviously, I have to study too. I have to read a lot of biology, do some math exercises to refresh my memory and read a couple of novels in English. My next finals are going to be biology and English - luckily, I'm pretty good in both of them, so I don't have to whip my ass over them during the summer. More than that, I want to focus on my friends, and building lasting memories with them. I don't want to feel like I should've done something more, or something different - I don't want any regrets! I'd rather do all kinds of things and get out of my comfort zone than stay in my own room, in my comfortable bed whenever I feel just a tad tired. Nah, tiredness can wait. It's more important to build those memories than to feel 100 % all the time. After all, they'll be gone after the summer. Now is our last chance, really. 

These sorts of nights and happenings make me feel like the world is open. It is, even if I'm still going to stay here for another year. But after that, off I go! This new friend is an interesting one, she's been to Japan and South-Korea and whenever she had a shortage of cash, she funded the rest of her trips by having sex with rich men, lol. She told me that I should go to Japan as the guys there would eat me alive. Very tempting... 

Ahaha, life just feels very good right now. Yet again, nothing has changed, the world is turning and rotating just like it used to do, and nothing concrete has changed, but I feel quite good - about my own life at least. I have two really good friends who I've had for a long time now, last night we felt a little sad and made a promise that we'll stay in touch and Skype a lot, I have a plethora of friends and acquaintances, I have really nice high heels, school has gone very well, the weather is good, everything is a-okay... I'll have the Best Summer Ever^TM, then I'll study my ass off and work at the same time to gather a shit-ton of money, maybe I'll go traveling after I graduate (I've been thinking about Japan...), I'll get new hobbies when my friends leave to the world, I'll hang out with the older friends I have who'll stay here, I'll be just fine. We'll Skype and Facetime a lot, and it seems that I'm pretty good at making friends and acquaintances so I'm sure I'll get some drinking company. Then I'll apply for universities in different countries, who knows where the world will take me..!

But before that, I'll have the most amazing, packed, fun, active summer EVER. With kayaks, hiking, drinking, parties, campfires, clubs, guys, riding, friends, tents, windsurfing, cottages, traveling, and so on!


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